Saturday, August 18, 2012

Do You Believe in Miracles?

"I Believe in You and Me!" by Whitney Houston

Most think the lyrics to this song are about a man and a women. I beg to differ. Whitney Houston sings this song about miracles and part of the words are here. Please listen or better yet, hear. I changed a couple of words, however.

I believe in you and me 
I believe that we will be in love eternally 
As far as I can see 
You will always be, the one, for me 
Oh, yes, you will, I believe in dreams again 
I believe that love will never end 
And like the river finds the sea 

I was lost, now I'm free 
I believe in you and me 
[ Lyrics from: ] 
I will never leave your side 
I will never hurt your pride 
When all the chips are down I will always be around 
Just to be right where you are, my love 
You know I love you, my fellow sojourner, I will never leave you out 
I will always let you in, my fellow sojourner, 
Oh, dear heart, to places no one's ever been 
Deep inside can't you see, I believe in you and me.

Okay, I lied. It is about a boy and a girl, but with a few tweaks, it is about the miracles we all look for--the you and me kind. This latest campaign, like those in the past, has taken a nasty turn. People are polarized by those who say, "You're lazy" if you're struggling. "You don't want to work, just get handouts," if you're unemployed. It makes people lie. No one wants to be identified with those people. In my 59 years, I have never taken food stamps, never needed to have my daycare paid for in the past, could always pay for my prescriptions. So, these $9, $10, and yes, one time $15.66, per hour odds and end jobs, without healthcare or days accrued, are not sustainable--they aren't even constant. I could not even get unemployment because I'm hourly. This has been for 3 years! I thought when I came back to Houston that things would change.

When my friend told me to go get food stamps, I was horrified. But, here's the deal. She's a professional in healthcare. When I told her that I got my prescriptions reduced to $68 a month and was barely meeting that--including going 3 months without my medicine, she told me that the Gold Card allows me to get my prescriptions paid for (not free, I have to pay it back). Still, I hesitated because I didn't want that label. Yet, when people see me, I'm participating in several things in my community, which is my calling, I'm accused of NOT wanting to do what it takes to PAY MY BILLS. So, I lie. I don't let anyone know how desperate we've been, how I've been depending on my children to fill the gaps, and that without a REAL job, that somehow I'm not the person that others say I am.

My friend told me that she wants her giving, witty, and hardworking friend back. Well, I admit, that I'm not so witty, but giving--I can't help it. The only thing I haven't had in abundance is money, but I've given the 110% plus one, that is my trademark. And not once did I hear my friend ask, "How are things going with you?" Why? I think people don't really want to know how bad it is.

I didn't get someone who knows the system of welfare to tell me about how to get food stamps or reduced healthcare. Instead, I'm hearing from teachers, nurses, people with cancer and other illnesses, break down and share their story and I realize that I'm not alone. I am not one to say, "I did this or that anymore." But, I know that I'm going to keep giving as I have been, keep creating as I know how, because I believe in miracles. I DO BELIEVE IN YOU AND ME--in the end.

Keep believing in miracles.

Fellow Sojourner, P.K.